The Importance of a Healthy Morning Routine and Why It Works

This article will discuss the importance of setting up a morning routine and why it works.
3 Easy Steps to understand the mechanisms and benefits behind a HEALTHY Morning Routine
- What is a morning routine, and How does it work?
- How to create or start a healthy morning routine, and what are the Benefits?
- Examples of morning routines that work.
+ FREE VIDEO BONUS: 5 min. Guided Meditation Morning Routine
1. What is a Morning Routine, and does it work?
When we talk about the morning routine, we talk about our daily habits. In a nutshell, a habit forms when a behavior is repeated enough time to become automatic and enacted with minimum conscious awareness. That's because "our behavioral patterns" we often repeat are wired into our neural pathways. For example, you don't have to learn how to drive a car every morning. Once learned and repeated, it becomes automatic and easy.
Unfortunately, most of our habits develop unconsciously from internal negative narratives or external stress. For example, the morning rushes to complete tasks like preparing children for school and being on time for work.
It often results in the "habit of being stressed" in the morning, and the stress is usually maintained during the day. A few hours along that road can be mentally and physically exhausting.
2. How to create a healthy morning routine, and what are the benefits?
A healthy morning routine allows us to manage our thoughts and actions with outstanding results on our mood and time management, rather than the feeling of being victims of our day-to-day obligations.
Healthy morning activities can help us manage our tasks from a more peaceful state (consciously responding instead of reacting). Benefits can be: less stress, better mood, increased physical energy level during the day, boosted productivity, and boosted self-esteem.
Also, some of us would like to start a new morning routine but refuse to submit to an "additional" burden in the already stressful morning. But... Whether we are aware or not, we all already have a morning routine. The way we brush our teeth, prepare our tea or coffee, and the way we accomplish all our morning tasks. So, We might as well choose the one that corresponds to our desired lifestyle.
3. Examples of morning routines that work
One of the ways to achieve this balance is by being deliberate about our first morning thoughts and actions. Here are some suggestions to help you establish a new positive morning routine.
Choose the ones that resonate with you and KEEP IT SIMPLE AND EASY for you.
- Waking up earlier will give us more quality time for ourselves and our loved ones. For example: Take a few minutes to take care of yourself, dress, and prepare according to your preferences. Prepare a healthy breakfast and share a few extra minutes with your loved ones.
- We can appreciate simple moments when by ourselves. It could be being fully present with the fragrances of our morning coffee or the fresh air.
- Give yourself enough time to get to work.
- A quick workout (10-15 min.)
- Practice gratitude while completing simple tasks like brushing our teeth.
- Read one page of your favorite inspirational book.
- Take 5 minutes to Meditate. If you need help with your morning meditation, play our FREE 5 Minutes Morning Guided Meditation (with affirmations) as a support tool at the end of this article.
✨ Beyond the Physical Mind
On the vibrational level, our morning habits set your day's tone. A SIMPLE morning routine can impact our manifestations. When we start our day with positive momentum, sustaining a higher frequency becomes easier. We can also start our day with Positive Affirmations or Visualize our daytime step by step. Thus, create a great potential of manifesting your perfect day. And please remember, even if you lose your positive momentum (which we all do), use this opportunity to stay present and utterly aware of what is happening in your "now moment." A few minutes of pure presence practice can help you step back from the situation and get you in the flow.
My suggestions:
Implementing a new morning routine often requires time organization, so make sure you question your actual morning routine and cut useless time consumers like Binge-watching your phone, emails, messages, or Listening to Morning News.
We are beings rooted in our habits. To ensure the sustainability of your new routine, Focus on step-by-step changes.
When the tasks are repeated regularly, our brain will go into "automatic mode," and the newly chosen habit will be executed effortlessly.
May you thrive in your daily life,
💥 Free Support Tool:
5 min Morning Meditation
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