
Overcome your Fear of Change and Move towards Success easily

fear of change & procrastination
Overcome the fear of Change

This article will discuss resistance to Change and what keeps us from achieving Success.

Resistance to change can create stagnation that prevents us from achieving our personal or professional goals (change of job, lifestyle, partner, etc.).

3 Straightforward solution oriented Steps:

  1. Understanding why we fear change and why we have resistance to change
  2. Identifying your blockages & Change your mindset toward Success
  3. List of Solutions & Use our free support video to implement those changes and thrive 


1 - Understanding why we fear change, even if it can lead us to Success.

To some, changing one area of our lives disturbs our sense of security because it refers to the Fear of the unknown.

Why do we have resistance to implementing change? For some of us, the certainty of a known and comfortable (or not) daily life situation is preferable to the unknown in which we may project our worries, fears, or previous negative experiences. As a result, we sometimes procrastinate when we attempt to avoid the discomfort of the present moment and negative projections by setting up time-consuming distraction mechanisms such as executing non-urgent tasks, spending excessive time on social networks, cleaning, working, etc.


2 - How to Identify our blockages and change our negative beliefs (mindset)?

Blockages and doubts about the change differ for each individual. Commonly, it is about: Fear of losing something in the process, Doubt in our ability to cope with the new, Fear of losing the support of our loved ones, Fear of the supposed additional workload or responsibility one will have to face, Fear of failure, and so on.

How to Identify our blockages and examine the definitions behind our Fear of change? We can quickly identify what is holding us back with introspection and honesty about the situation. Ask yourself, for example: Am I afraid of losing something by making this change? If so, what or who? Am I sure that this will happen? If yes, do I know that for sure? How do I know it? By staying in the current situation, what do I gain? Is it suitable for me to stay where I am? If Yes, why? - If No, Why?


3 - List of Solutions: How can we confidently achieve the desired change and Success?

Here are some suggestions that can help you with your challenge. Choose the steps that resonate with you.

  • Acknowledge that the perception of an unfamiliar situation can sometimes be uncomfortable and that this discomfort is usual. 
  • Start stepping out of your comfort zone in baby steps. Experiment with simple things and become familiar with the new.
  • Stay in the present moment. Observe what is happening, then take appropriate action according to the situation. When you think about "what can go wrong," get out of your imagination and return to the present moment.


Beyond the Thinking Mind

On the vibrational Level, the Powerhouse of all motivational tools is our ability to tap into our Inner Resources and thrive. They can help us solve problems and achieve our goals, so we can take action toward Success. They include all our mental strengths, assets, and capabilities that give us the ability to manage our life, such as confidence, aspiration, calm, resilience, passion, intelligence etc. 

Knowing that we all have inner resources to help us on our journey toward change is essential. Yes, all of us. During our life experience, we have all acquired resources, whether they are known or unconscious. For example, perhaps you learned resilience or concentration when you took your first steps as a toddler. We sometimes forget how to reaccess our inner resources. They can help us overcome uncertainties and forge our confidence.

This step can significantly assist us with implementing desired change.

In general, change is a natural process and part of the cycle of life. When we are fully aligned with the change to come, we feel the excitement and are eager to move forward with joy. 

I wish you Success.



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